Yes! How dare he go out and criticize the GOP! Doesn’t he know that such behavior makes it very hard for us to work with them? Doesn’t he know that without collaborating with the GOP we cant fix what is not broken? I mean where would we be today if we hadn’t broken Iraq (they didn’t have the WMD or Al-Qaeda. That is a deception that calls for a whole other Blog. Talk about being a sneaky people!!), Social Security (remember the Tax Cuts?), Deficits (remember the Tax Cuts?), Europe (Old Europe!?), the UN (Bolt it on!!), HealthCare (drug benefits anyone?).
What Dean does not realize is that if we do not break these things then people become very apathetic. They actually start believing that they are living in a good society, have a stable life, can call a doctor, are safe, can get a job, have friends all around the world and all kinds of other notions that turn them away from Faith! Marriage! And Creation! People forget that they have no entitlements, that they must be self-reliant as this is good for their moral fiber, that they must struggle mightily for many hours with no vacation so they don’t become fat and happy (doesn’t Dean know that we have an obesity crisis in this country and we have pills for Happy anyway).
So if we don’t get Mr. Dean to play nice we will have to get serious and call him a Liberal! (Yes, the L-word!) and we will have to send a letter of apology to the GOP and ask them to forgive us for letting such a person into the Democratic Party (and choosing him leader on top of that! Jeeez what a blooper!) And most seriously of all we will have to be extremely remorseful for the most serious breach of etiquette. We tried to fix something that was actually broken – the Democratic Party!
Please Mr. Dean, stay focused now – don’t stray from the path. Remember, fixing broken stuff is bad for the economy! Buy an upgrade, preferably one made in China!
If you don’t behave – we’re going to have to send Ms. Clinton to spank you! Then you’ll really have something to scream about!